We look forward to hearing from you!

Macalester First Aid

1600 Grand Ave, St. Paul, MN

Located in the Campus Center

Instagram @macfirstaid


When do I call 9-1-1?
Do not use this contact page to seek medical attention. If your emergency is not during the hours of operation of MacEMS (Friday and Saturday nights 9 pm-2 am), call 9-1-1. Additionally, if you feel that you or a friend is in immediate danger and in need of an ambulance, call 9-1-1. MacEMS only responds on campus, so emergencies off-campus must be handled via 9-1-1. 

If I need medical attention, how do I get ahold of MacEMS?
Call your RA-on-call or Public Safety (651-696-6555) if you are on campus, and they will contact us via radio. MacEMS does not respond off-campus.

How do I join MacEMS?
Register for any of the courses we offer! Any questions regarding registration should be emailed to 

How do I re-certify with MacEMS?
We periodically offer recertification sessions for students looking to renew their EMT license. The session involves reviewing skills from the skills exam. Students are also welcome to renew their CPR certification with one of our several CPR courses. 

Looking to join the MacEMS team?

Send us an email letting us know which area of MacEMS you're interested in.

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